Top Crop Manager

Features enhanced

Trimble has added its AgGPS EZ-Steer system to its line-up. The assisted steering system, which includes the EZ-Guide Plus lightbar and EZ-Steer, with ±6.0 to 8.0 inch pass-to-pass acc42f1uracy (95 percent of the time).

November 20, 2007  By Top Crop Manager

Trimble has added its AgGPS EZ-Steer system to its line-up. The assisted steering system, which includes the EZ-Guide Plus lightbar and EZ-Steer, with ±6.0 to 8.0 inch pass-to-pass accuracy (95 percent of the time).

The EZ-Steer assisted steering system uses GPS and an electric motor mounted on the steering column to keep the vehicle on line without the use of hydraulics. It uses the GPS guidance from the EZ-Guide Plus lightbar and automatically turns the steering wheel.

The AgGPS 332 Ultimate Choice receiver offers growers the most flexibility in choosing the GPS correction method and accuracy required for their farming operations, says Trimble. This gives growers the ability to obtain pass-to-pass performance with Trimble guidance systems ranging from 1.0 inch pass-to-pass with the Trimble RTK solution, to 3.0 to 5.0 inch with OmniSTAR XP, to 2.0 to 4.0 inch with HP satellite service.


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