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Regardless of your farm’s size or your farming experience, a CCGA Cash Advance provides extremely competitive financing for all types of farms. A CCGA Cash Advance gives you more control to market your crops and livestock when the time and price is best for you. And, with over 30 years of experience as an APP administrator in Canada, CCGA strives to make the program as convenient as possible.

November 13, 2018  By Canadian Canola Growers Association

Regardless of your farm’s size or your farming experience

With a CCGA Cash Advance, farmers can borrow up to $400,000 to pay necessary expenses. With a Cash Advance, the first $100,000 is interest-free, and the interest charged on the next $300,000 is prime rate, so you can borrow funds at a blended rate that’s well below prime.

Commodity prices fluctuate throughout the year, so giving you more time to trigger sales at optimal prices means more control of your marketing plan and better returns for your farm. The cash flow generated from a Cash Advance gives farmers more time to sell their commodity at a price that’s best for your farm.

Pre-Harvest Grain Advances
For grain, farmers can apply for a pre-harvest advance either before or after planting. Upon application approval, farmers receive 60% of the calculated advance. The remaining 40% is issued when CCGA receives the Actual Seeded Report.

Post-Harvest Grain Advances
Grain farmers can apply for an advance on stored grain at any time throughout the program year.

Livestock Advances
Livestock advances can be applied for anytime during the program year, as long as the stock applied on is already born. Advance rates vary for different types and weights of livestock.

CCGA takes great pride in making the application process for a Cash Advance as simple and convenient as possible. Our experienced customer service team can take you through everything step-by-step. We also offer multiple ways to apply, a direct deposit feature that gets funds into your hands faster, and an online account system that gets you up-to-date information about your advance at the click of a button.

The Cash Advance program administered by CCGA is made available to Canadian farmers through Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s Advance Payments Program.

Apply today! Visit or call 1-866-754-2256.

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