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Features Agronomy Canola
Harvesting Newfoundland’s first canola crop

Harvesting of Newfoundland’s first canola field took place on Sept. 23, wrapping up an experiment designed to help inform future activities and contribute to agricultural innovation in the province.

September 26, 2016  By Top Crop Manager

Harvest of Newfoundland’s first 30-acre canola field got underway in Pasadena on Sept. 23.

The research, conducted on a 30-acre field in western Newfoundland, is an extension of the province’s livestock feeds research and will determine if canola can reach maturity in the western region.

The research will also assess and help develop harvest and pressing procedures, establish growing practices and determine oil and meal quality potential. The canola meal will be assessed at Pure Holsteins Limited in Steady Brook. The canola oil will be assessed at various local restaurants throughout the province.

“The canola that was planted this past spring grew exceptionally well, surpassing our researcher’s expectations. All indications pointed to a high yield and high quality harvest and I am excited to see that happening today,” said Steve Crocker, minister of fisheries, forestry and agrifoods.


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