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News Soil
July moisture remains critical for harvest success in Alberta

July 9, 2024  By Alberta Agriculture and Irrigation

Soil moisture levels are relatively normal for early July – and above normal in some parts of the central, southern and Peace regions in Alberta, according to Alberta’s Agricultural Moisture Situation Update on July 5. However, the western and northern Peace Region, and much of the northeast, missed out on recent rains. The update predicts moderate moisture deficits are potentially beginning to develop and rain will be beneficial for these areas in the face of the expected heat.

“With the droughts of 2021 and 2023 fresh in everyone’s mind, the fear of another drought in 2024 was ever present, particularly given the warm relatively snow free winter that followed the fires and drought of 2023. Thankfully for most, 2024 has been shaping up as a good year for growing crops. However, July will remain a critical month, particularly for those areas generally north of the TransCanada Highway where seeding occurs later,” said the update.

Harvest looks promising, provided regions in Alberta receive adequate moisture, warmer temperatures prevail and weather is favourable this fall. | READ MORE


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