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Ontario Soybean Growers issues challenge to growers

New for 2008, the Ontario Soybean Growers is hosting a friendly competition among growers, challenging them to push production with higher yields.

April 7, 2008  By Ontario Soybean Growers

April 7, 2008

Guelph, ON  -Attention soybean growers: Are you up to the challenge?

Higher yields, more soybeans and friendly competition are forecast for the 2008 soybean growing season. Soybean growers across Ontario are welcome to compete in the soybean yield challenge, a competition aimed to encourage growers to discover new yield plateaus for soybeans in friendly competition with fellow soybean growers.

The 2008 growing season marks the first year for the soybean yield challenge, sponsored by the Ontario Soybean Growers (OSG). Competition areas will be divided into three provincial zones based on maturity groups; Zone 1 – 2700 HU and under; Zone 2 – 2725 to 3000 HU; and Zone 3 – 3025 HU and above.

"The yield competition is a new way to get growers thinking about how they can improve soybean yields on their own farms," says Leo Guilbeault, Chair, Ontario Soybean Growers. "OSG is excited to provide this opportunity to create a healthy competitive environment while rewarding growers for producing high yielding soybeans."

To compete in the challenge the soybean field size must be a minimum of 10 acres and the harvested plot must be a minimum of 1.5 acres of that same field. All soybean production practices will be permitted, conventional or genetically modified soybean seed is eligible but all seed must be certified. Growers will be required to fill out a survey form stating production practices of the competition field, location of field and general weather data to participate. Deadline to enter is June 15, 2008; a $10 entry fee per variety is required.

The highest yielding field in each zone garners a cash prize of $10 x yield

(bu) and a yield challenge jacket. Prizes for the second highest yielding field in each zone includes tickets to farm equipment shows and a yield challenge jacket, each entrant will receive a stylish yield challenge hat.

To enter the soybean yield challenge please contact the Ontario Soybean Growers 519-767-1744 or visit

Established in 1949, the Ontario Soybean Growers (OSG) represents 25,000 growers in Ontario Canada. With a vision of an innovative and profitable soybean industry OSG's mission is to develop and promote a sound industry business environment that will allow Ontario soybean producers the opportunity for viable and profitable ongoing returns.


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