Top Crop Manager

News Harvesting
Prairie provinces publish final crop reports of 2020 season

October 28, 2020  By Top Crop Manager

Alberta (as of Oct. 20)

Temperatures dropped drastically in the week preceding Oct. 20, with the vast majority of the province experiencing temperatures six to 10 degrees lower than the long-term average. This culminated in a snowfall event, covering the length of the foothills to the Red Deer area.

Despite the adverse weather conditions, harvest progress was made and 99 per cent of crops province-wide are reported to be in the bin. This is well ahead of both five- and 10-year averages for per cent of crops combined.

The total estimated yields for major crops remains high for the province at 108.4 percent of the five-year average. However, this number is bolstered by stellar yields in the south and central regions of Alberta. The northeast is right in line with the five-year average for the region, while the northwest and Peace regions are well under the five-year average (73.2 and 87.8 per cent, respectively).

For the full report and regional breakdown, visit the Alberta Ag crop report.

Saskatchewan (as of Oct. 19)

Harvest progress is virtually complete, with more than 99 per cent of crops in the bin. This is well over the five-year average for harvest progress at this time of year (88 per cent).

Moisture received throughout the season was the major limiting factor for crop yield. As such, yield varied across the province – while overall yields were average to slightly above average, lack of moisture and heat stress affected some crops, as did hail and excess precipitation in the north.

Average yields are estimated as:

  • 46 bushels per acre (bu/ac) for hard red spring wheat;
  • 39 bu/ac for durum wheat;
  • 86 bu/ac for oats;
  • 67 bu/ac for barley;
  • 37 bu/ac for canola;
  • 39 bu/ac for peas; and
  • 1,475 pounds per acre for lentil.

Fall weather has allowed harvest to progress with few rain delays, and crop quality is above average – the majority of crops are reported to be within the top two quality grades.

For the full report, visit the Saskatchewan Ag crop report.

Manitoba (as of Oct. 20)

Manitoba’s final crop report of 2020 is an overview of the season, rather than an update on current progress.

Most parts of Manitoba’s agricultural regions received 70-80 per cent of normal precipitation throughout the season. Minto only received 44 per cent of the expected precipitation, while Newdale was inundated with 143 per cent of normal precipitation.

The majority of crops are essentially completely harvested, sitting at 98 per cent two weeks ahead of the long-term average date. Harvest of outliers, like grain corn, sunflower and flax, is proceeding quickly. The crop quality is good overall.

Crop yields of cereals and canola have been mostly average; later season crops, like soybeans, corn and sunflower, have been higher than expected, given a dry August and September. Sunflowers in particular are expected to have near-record average highs.

For the full report and regional breakdown, visit the Manitoba Ag crop report.


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