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Rainy weekend could actually help some farmers


Rainy weekend could actually help some farmers
Rain on the Prairies during August is one thing, but last weekend's totals in some areas were an unexpected bounty, and in some cases, they were record amounts.

August 19, 2009  By Cassandra Kyle | Regina Leader-Post

August 18, 2009 – A weekend of rain did little to wash away the hopes of Saskatchewan farmers, with the moisture -falling at record levels in some areas -set to help some crops reach maturity, various agriculture experts say.

In the RM of Rosthern, north of Saskatoon, reeve Bruce Fehr said the rainfall may affect the quality of cut hay laying in fields, but overall the farmers in his region are having a good season.

"We have some pretty savvy farmers in our area and they do quite well. They're up to date on the latest technology and the crops look really good, other than being late," he said. "At this point, I think everyone is still doing all right."

A slow-moving, low-pressure system moved over the province Friday afternoon, leaving behind rain totals from a few millimeters to a few inches through Saturday and, in some areas, through Sunday, said David Phillips, senior climatologist with Environment Canada.

The hamlet of Parry, located about 90 kilometres east of Assiniboia, had 147 millimetres of rain from Friday afternoon through Saturday.

Saskatoon, meanwhile, recorded 51.5 millimetres of rain on Saturday alone, making it the wettest August day in Saskatoon since 1945.

Record amounts in some areas, variable in others


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