Top Crop Manager

Scholarships available for CTEAM program

This year farmers have two opportunities to win the Robert L. Ross Memorial Scholarship to attend the Canadian Total Excellence in Agricultural Management (CTEAM) program.

June 8, 2016  By Top Crop Manager

CTEAM is run by Agri-food Management Excellence. During the program, farmers learn detailed financial, marketing and human relations management skills, using their own operation as a case study.

Robert (Bob) Ross was instrumental in guiding the CTEAM program, inspiring and encouraging farm management excellence across Canada through his leadership and passion for the agricultural community. Bob fought a courageous battle with cancer, passing in March 2014.

As a tribute to his passion, leadership and legacy, Agri-Food Management Excellence, Farm Management Canada, Family Farms Group and the Ross Family, along with an additional private contributor this year, established the Robert L. Ross Memorial Scholarship program, rewarding two farmers with the opportunity to participate in the CTEAM program and continue on a path towards excellence, as inspired by Canada’s leading experts and a one-of-a-kind support network of peers and colleagues.

This year there will be  two scholarships of $8250 (CDN), which are to be applied towards CTEAM tuition and travel. The successful applicants can choose to attend CTEAM starting in January 2017.

Applicants must be more than 21 years of age and possess passion and devotion to excellence in farm business management. See the application for a complete list of requirements.

The deadline for scholarship applications is Sept. 15, 2016.  Applications can be downloaded at


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